Osborne Clarke


Köln, Germany
24 Mitglieder

Daten und Fakten

Branche Kanzlei
Gründungsjahr 1748
Mitarbeiter 1500
Hauptsitz Köln, Germany

Osborne Clarke is an International legal practice, with offices situated around Europe, Asia and the USA.

Our approach:

More and more businesses are facing change on multiple fronts – with that comes disruption, but also opportunity. Which is possibly why we’ve always been happy to embrace change. The opportunities it creates intrigue and fascinate us – because it’s those opportunities which enable us to help our clients succeed.

It’s the challenge of change we like. When you really know your stuff, when you are out-and-out experts, then using that expertise to think differently, to see round corners and to find better solutions is what makes being an expert fun.

For a while now – in fact, before anyone else – we looked at our clients’ legal issues in the context of their sector. Our sector-based approach means we can advise our clients, not just comprehensively, but also commercially. We can give the best advice to help them to tackle the issues they’re facing today, and help them prepare for the ones that they will face tomorrow. Disruption has become a business norm, and for our clients it’s not a question of “Is change happening?” – it’s “How quickly, and across how many areas?

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Di., 25. Juni 2024
08:00 – 09:00
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Di., 04. Juni 2024
08:00 – 09:00
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Fr., 12. April 2024
08:00 – 09:00
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Do., 14. März 2024
08:00 – 09:00
Digital Construction Week: Building Materials & Systems
Do., 03. Dezember 2020
08:00 – 10:00
Digital Real Estate Week - Smart City Solutions
Fr., 30. Oktober 2020
15:00 – 18:00
Digital Real Estate Week - Markets & Transactions
Do., 29. Oktober 2020
15:00 – 18:00