Build a World Worth Living

BUILTWORLD ist die führende Eventplattform für den Gebäude Lebenszyklus im deutschsprachigen Raum.

Alexander Buff

Founder & CEO at interpanel

Crossen an der Elster, Germany

Architecture Building Materials Building Technologies Construction ConTech Corporate Real Estate Energy Engineering Facility Management Hospitality Office PropTech Real Estate Smart City Workplace Design

22 Events

1 Kontakte


Passionate Entrepreneur who is striving for enabling a better and healthier room climate in spaces with less energy and innovative technologies.

Alexander Buff is an Entrepreneur with eight years of experience working in the building sector with small and international companies, as well as research institutions. Alexander early specialized in designing and optimizing energy, building services, and structural designs as well as complex thermal and energy simulation tools. He further advanced his deep technical knowledge with entrepreneurial skills in negotiation, sales, marketing, leadership, financing and crafting a common vision for his team encouraging everyone to work hard and succeed for addressing global challenges. During his professional work in South-East Asian and other countries he initiated, developed and patented new radiant cooling technologies. They are now available on the market by his profitable self-

Alexander Buffs vergangene Veranstaltungen

Event Image
Do., 22. Juni 2023
08:00 – 09:00
Event Image
Mi., 21. Juni 2023
08:00 – 09:00
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CORPORATA Wirtschaftsberatung für Immobilien