Space & Workplace
Space & Workplace: Future of work - Office 2022
Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2021 | Virtual Online Event
Office After Covid – Germany compared to US & Asia. Differences in the world & the attempt to explain them
Will offices still exist in 2022? Yes, but they will just have a new purpose. Rather than being taken for granted—a place where employees automatically report every day—they will become corporate centers specifically meant to spur innovation and connection.
- What differences can be seen around the world?
- What is the most striking difference between the German and the US / Asian market?
- What explanations are there for them?
08:00 – 08:05
Begrüßung und kurze Themeneinführung
08:05 – 09:25
Panel Diskussion
Technische Universität Darmstadt
09:25 – 09:30
Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
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