
Construction Machines & Equipment
Nir Am, Israel

Daten und Fakten

Branche Construction Machines & Equipment
Gründungsjahr 2018
Mitarbeiter 4
Hauptsitz Nir Am, Israel
The crane is wildly acknowledged as the most significant contributor to the construction process and is the "bottleneck" of the entire site. As such, the crane has a dramatic influence on construction efficiency and overall project duration.
Shortening crane cycles will ultimately shorten busy periods and delays, resulting in enhanced site efficiency and shorter project duration.

Since the 2000's cranes are fitted with a multitude of Advanced Operator Assistance Systems, designed to support the human operator and improve crane efficiency.

In recent years, several companies have developed more advanced automation systems, all of them based on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence studying human operators, attempting to “mimic” them. This approach can at best provide handling equivalent to that of a professional human operator with limited efficiency improvement over current solution.

Syracuse Robotic Crane Operator (RCO) converts existing and new cranes of all types into industrial robots, capable of autonomous operation – replacing costly human operators, allowing safe transfer of loads and increasing build efficiency.

Unlike solutions that “mimic” human operators, Syracuse maneuvers the crane and load in the mechanically optimal trajectory.

Proprietary hardware installed solely on the crane gathers data regarding the mechanical characteristics and real time configuration of the crane and load, as well as maps the work environment.

The target location is obtained from a handheld unit or marked on the system 3D site model, allowing our patent-pending motion protocols to plot all valid trajectories from the Pickup Point to Dropoff.
Each planned trajectory is comprised of a sequence of crane and load configuration changes, predicting the crane’s potential torque, maximum allowed stress and load pendulum sway.

By allowing the crane simultaneous movement in 3DOF, optimal direction changes, rapid accelerations and utilizing the load sway, rather than restraining it for the entire path, the systems can identify the optimal trajectory.

Motion commands are transmitted to the crane drive motors, while a closed-loop system monitors the actual crane and load movements and takes action if needed, updating the remaining sequence of configuration changes.

Syracuse allows safe and rapid transport of loads, in complex dynamic environments, reducing crane cycle times by more than 30%, increasing build efficiency and reducing overall construction duration.

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