Landlord Studio is the leading mobile first, modern, cloud based property management solution that is available on all iOS devices, Android devices as well as having desktop access.
We aim to automate most of the common tasks and providing the tools to allow a landlord to manage their properties directly from their phone.
The primary goal behind Landlord Studio is to give landlords and real estate agents a one-stop solution for managing their properties easily and from anywhere.
Mobile is the future and we aim to allow property management to take place on small screen by creating simple, yet powerful flows that make it easy to quickly do all your common tasks. Including:
- Quickly logging income and expenses
- Running reports
- Tenant Screening via TransUnion
- Emailing tenants with powerful customizable templates for common emails
- SMS tenants
- Setting up reminders
- Automatic flows, sending rent invoices and receipts to tenants
- Secure document storage for document such as lease agreements etc
We aim to automate most of the common tasks and providing the tools to allow a landlord to manage their properties directly from their phone.
The primary goal behind Landlord Studio is to give landlords and real estate agents a one-stop solution for managing their properties easily and from anywhere.
Mobile is the future and we aim to allow property management to take place on small screen by creating simple, yet powerful flows that make it easy to quickly do all your common tasks. Including:
- Quickly logging income and expenses
- Running reports
- Tenant Screening via TransUnion
- Emailing tenants with powerful customizable templates for common emails
- SMS tenants
- Setting up reminders
- Automatic flows, sending rent invoices and receipts to tenants
- Secure document storage for document such as lease agreements etc