
Invest & Finance
Zürich, Switzerland
1 Mitglieder

Daten und Fakten

Branche Invest & Finance
Mitarbeiter 10
Hauptsitz Zürich, Switzerland

ImmoZins offers property investors three different real estate investment models. Common to all of them is the high level of transparency, for which we developed our own software, and the assumption of risk. In addition, all construction projects are being executed by us. ImmoZins acts as the building owner in each case. With our holistic approach, we create transparency and security. We invest in all projects and are 50 percent co-owner - thus we also share the same risk. This creates trust. With our in-house developed software solution, we are making an innovative contribution to the digitalisation of the construction industry. The complex software enables investors to follow the progress of every project in real time. Construction and sales processes are mapped precisely and as a result, it allows us to design processes more efficiently. This saves time and money.