Immofred is a digital platform for the ecosystem of living like landlords, SME property managers, service providers and craftsmen -
Immofred brings delight in renting out. Renting out and managing in the ecosystem of living becomes more intuitive for landlords and service providers and simplifies administration and communication to make rental less complicated and more rewarding than is possible with stand-alone solutions or other administrative programs. Our tool includes the management of properties, tenants, contacts, interfaces to Immobilienscout24, more than 3000 banks and heat measurement service providers for the purpose of digital data exchange of heating cost invoices, as well as step-by-step automation of incidental cost accounting. Furthermore contracts and documents can be saved within our solution- adding up to digital property files - creating an all-in-one experience
Immofred brings delight in renting out. Renting out and managing in the ecosystem of living becomes more intuitive for landlords and service providers and simplifies administration and communication to make rental less complicated and more rewarding than is possible with stand-alone solutions or other administrative programs. Our tool includes the management of properties, tenants, contacts, interfaces to Immobilienscout24, more than 3000 banks and heat measurement service providers for the purpose of digital data exchange of heating cost invoices, as well as step-by-step automation of incidental cost accounting. Furthermore contracts and documents can be saved within our solution- adding up to digital property files - creating an all-in-one experience